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Image by Alina Grubnyak

Publications &
Working Papers

Ambiguity Can Compensate for Semantic Differences in Human-AI communication

Koçak Ö., Park S., Puranam P.

Explainability as an Optimal Stopping Problem: Implications for Human-AI Interaction

Puranam P., Tsetlin I.

Algorithm supported induction for building theory: How can we use prediction models to theorize?

Shrestha Y.R., He V.F., Puranam P., von Krogh G.

Who Captures the Value from Organizational Culture? Evidence from Glassdoor Reviews and the Universe of Online Job Postings from Burning Glass Technologies

Ghoshsamaddar S., Marchetti A., Sevcenko V.

Artificial Intelligence, Trust, and Perceptions of Agency

Puranam P., Vanneste B.S.

Separated by a Common Language: How the Nature of Code Differences Shapes Communication Success and Code Convergence

Koçak Ö., Puranam P.

Human-Algorithm Ensembles

Choudhary V., Marchetti A., Shrestha Y.R., Puranam P.

Self-Confirming Biased Beliefs in Organizational "learning by Doing"

Park S., Puranam P.

Human–AI collaborative decision-making as an organization design problem

Puranam P.

Learning what they think vs. learning what they do: The micro-foundations of vicarious learning

Park S., Puranam P.

Interpreting Topic Models Using Prototypical Text: From ‘Telling’ to 'Showing'

Marchetti A., Puranam P.

Taking Cultural Heterogeneity Seriously: The Distinct Forms of Cultural Distinctiveness in Organizations

Marchetti A.

GitLab: work where you want, when you want

Choudhury P., Crowston K., Dahlander L., Minervini M.S., Raghuram S.

Firms of a Feather Merge Together: The Coordination Benefits of Compatible Cultures

Marchetti A.

The microstructure of organizations

Puranam P.

Searching for structure: Formal organization design as a guide to network evolution

Clement J., Puranam P.

Designing a culture of collaboration: When changing beliefs is (not) enough

Koçak Ö., Puranam P.

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